About StreetMike

Adidas/Clot/Fragment Design/Levi's/Mastermind/NBHD WTAPS/Neighborhood/Nic is Coming/Nike/Original Fake/Supreme/Visvim/热血

我们将来会提供更多的牌子,希望大家会喜欢。 =)


随着时代的进步,人们渴望展现自我格调、品位的欲望蠢 蠢欲动。当代年轻人又渴望自我展现。现在潮牌逐渐由小众走向大众,城市里越来越多的年轻人 追赶时尚,然而玩潮是需要付出代价的,大家所热衷的一线潮牌,每一件单品都价格不菲。那到底值不值得花那么多钱去购买呢?虽热我们所提供的商品是仿制的,但质地并不比正品差。我们希望大家可以不必太在乎别人的眼光比如像,穿假货什么的,只要自己喜欢就行了=) (虽然这么说我们还是支持正版的)。所以我们希望可以让大家在这里以合理的价钱买到自己喜欢的牌子和设计。难道收入少就不能追随潮流吗?何必花那一大笔钱来追随潮流呢?除非真的很崇拜那个品牌那就不一样啦。我们希望大家知道其实 追随潮流并不需要花很多钱,最重要的是物有所值和喜欢就好=)。


*The products we supply include 1:1 replica of brands such as Adidas/Clot/Fragment Design/Levi's/Mastermind/NBHD WTAPS/Neighborhood/Nic is Coming/Nike/Original Fake/Supreme/Visvim/热血

We look forward to include more brands in the future.

Fashion evolves with time, and as time goes by everyone seeks to express themselves in their own unique way. This is particularly true with regards to the younger generations. Nevertheless, price is always a factor, and because of this, only a handful of people were able to keep up with the latest trends. Plus, worthiness of the money spent is often an issue among many. This is where we come in.

Undoubtedly, the products we offer are replicas. Nevertheless, the quality and standards of these goods exceed general expectations, as we are striving to provide the highest quality of branded replicas in the market today. That said, we are not in any way against the genuine products of these brands, but rather to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to stay trendy at an affordable price.

In short, we believe that fashion doesn’t come with a huge sum of money. Moreover, we seek to integrate all fellow Sarawakians into the fashion mainstream, enabling everyone to stay trendy without burning a hole in their pockets. So why pay more?